If I don't ship, will I be charged a fee?

Yes, there is a $25 administrative fee if a Maker chooses not to ship an order.

LibDib is committed to Buyer satisfaction. When an order does not ship, it takes our team multiple communications with Buyers to ensure there is a suitable replacement or the order is canceled altogether. 

Per the LibDib Terms of Service, all Makers are subject to a $25 per order fee if an order is canceled and offerings are not shipped. Makers can avoid this fee by: 

  1. Ensuring available offerings and pricing are always up to date on LibDib.  
  2. Communicating immediately with the LibShip team in regards to why an offering is not available.  Reasonable requests (for example, Maker is out of town and cannot ship within the required two business day window) will be considered and communicated with the Buyer. 
  3. Having a viable alternative (new vintage/batch) at the same price point available to offer the Buyer. 

Canceling an order due to lack of response or negligence in keeping offerings, pricing and minimum quantities up to date will result in the Maker being invoiced $25 per order. Makers are also subject to removal from the LibDib platform in all markets. 

If there has been a price increase that has not yet been changed in a Maker’s LibDib account (this is always the Maker’s responsibility to manage), LibDib highly recommends shipping the offering at the price in which it was ordered. At that point, update the price for the next purchase. Following through on your sale of the LibDib offering helps keep your Buyer relationships intact. It is more likely the Buyer will consider keeping your offerings on shelves at the higher price when they reorder. An order cancellation for an un-communicated price change almost always leads to a replacement offering and the loss of a Buyer relationship. Keep the cost of customer acquisition in mind when considering canceling an order due to a price increase that was not shown to the Buyer on LibDib prior to an order being received.  


If you have any questions, please reach out to Makers@libdib.com.


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