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- LibDib Mobile for Buyers
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LibDib for Buyers
LibDib Mobile
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Your LibDib Account
What does the app do?
LibDib Mobile allows licensed Buyers to browse, create lists, purchase products, reorder, and review their order history. The app works just like LibDib’s online store with products organized for easy shopping and quick reordering.
Just like any e-commerce app, Buyers add products to their shopping cart and check out.
LibDib Mobile Buyers can:
- Sign up and start shopping or sign into an existing LibDib account.
- Shop unique and emerging brands in the palm of their hand.
- Buy what they want, when they want. It’s like a digital rep in their pocket.
- Build lists, manage favorites and plan purchases based on seasonal needs.
- Set reorder reminders for 1-click restocking.
- Review order history all in one place.
Buyers can download LibDib Mobile in the iOS store, text APP to 844-542-3421 or scan the QR code.
*There is currently a Maker app in development. In the meantime, Makers can easily share the app with their Buyers.*