Verify Shipping Origin

This is where your product ships from, before coming to the LibDib warehouse in a given market. It defaults to the business address you provide when you create your account. To adjust this, hover over your name in the upper right hand corner. Click “Profile”, then select “Addresses” to add a different shipping address.

Make sure availability is set to “In Stock”. This way, Buyers will be able to view your product in LibDib. To be sure product is available to ship, Makers can find storage opportunities at LibDib partner warehouses for faster, easier shipments. Contact for more information. 

  1. In Stock: Product is available and Buyers can purchase now.
  2. Limited: Product is available, but it’s a limited release or limited run.
  3. Not in Market: You will still see the product card on your page, but it won’t be listed for Buyers in that market.
  4. Out of Stock: Product is not currently available. Once your product is available again, make sure to switch the availability back to “In Stock” or “Limited”.
  5. Coming Soon: You can upload a product’s info and pricing before it’s available for purchase. A Buyer will be able to see it, but won’t be able to purchase it until you change the availability to “In Stock” or “Limited”.